Our Vision & Mission
Inspired by the Uber model, BlooCYS is ultimately an Uber-like platform that helps consumers hire the right professional
for the consultancy service they need

Our Vision
To create a new decentralised, open and fair economic model, where anyone can be a direct beneficiary.

Our Mission
BlooCYS will be an expertplace platform that facilitates hiring professionals for consultancy services using real-time video and blockchain technology.
Freelancing is on the rise worldwide
Our services will be delivered through mobile devices like smartphone and tablet, on both iOS and Android

Real-Time Communication
- Real-time video
- Real-time chatting
- Video recording
- Video analytics

- ID Verification and Skill Validation
- Ratings and reviews
- BlooCYS wallet
- Smart contract
- Crypto payment

Front-End Service
- Service directory
- Crowd recommendation
- Talent promotion
- Partner integration and API
- Dispute Resolution